About Offstreet Parking
Dreamt up in a fever dream full of random ideas, juvenile thoughts and almost-missed opportunities, Offstreet Parking is one of the many creative outlets for a former Nike designer and his very active mind, plus his team of collaborators.
Based in the Pacific Northwest, the wonderful balance of city, rural farmland and rugged outdoors informs what we do, and what we create. In the span of a day, one can grab amazing coffee, hike or ride challenging trails with amazing vistas, get in some pickleball, hang out at our favorite drum shop, and finish it all off with world-class food and beverages of many kinds. OK, that might be a bit much for one day. But it is all out there. Did we mention our amazing soccer teams? And great music venues, and...
While the ideas might come rapid-fire, the designs are painstakingly crafted to best fit the idea and the product. We hope you enjoy what we've made!